News Articles
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Whatever floats your… plankton?
Oceanography Camp for Girls continues virtually.
November 20, 2020Community Engagement

Not All Viruses are Bad!
Dr Karyna Rosario is based within the Marine Genomics Laboratory at the University of South Florida in the US. Her research, focusing on viral metagenomics, has led to the discovery of a novel indicator that helps detect harmful pathogens in wastewater. The findings will lead to safer lives for all of us.
September 23, 2020Community Engagement

Virtual Science Camps Provide a Much-Needed Escape
The camp looked a bit different this year. Instead of the traditional three-week in-person format, the camp will be a hybrid virtual and in-person format taking place over the next nine months.
July 31, 2020Community Engagement, Girls Camp

The Unexpected Benefits of Virtual Science Outreach
Since mid-March life has been about adaptation. Adapting to new learning and work environments. Adapting to virtual happy hours and Zoom calls with not-so-tech-savvy parents.
June 2, 2020Community Engagement

New CMS Outreach Program Wins Smart Cities Award
We are proud to launch this program with the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Suncoast so we can that educate kids about the challenges and opportunities facing our precious coast, while also empowering them toward action.
March 10, 2020Community Engagement, News

Think Macro Act Micro
How marine science dripped onto the artist’s canvas.
January 23, 2020Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

Great American Teach In – Largo High School
During the day of the event Natalia Lopez was going to talk to only one group, but both the students and teachers asked if Natalia Lopez could stay longer to ask more questions, talk to their friends in other grades and get more details about these opportunities.
November 19, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

The Great American Teach In 2019
The “Great American Teach In” is a fun opportunity for community members to talk to kids about their careers and the experiences they had to get to where they are in their field.
November 19, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

Girls Go Gaga Over Science
This blog whisks you through my summer doing marine science with Girls Inc—and you don’t even have to get your feet wet!
September 18, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

A Seaside Science Surprise
For the past couple summers Dr. Mya Breitbart's lab has done outreach activities with Girls Inc. of Pinellas, an organization that inspires young girls to be strong, smart, and bold through afterschool programs and summer camps.
June 25, 2019Blogs and Perspectives, Community Engagement

2019 marks 15 years of the Spoonbill Bowl
On Saturday, February 16th, 2019, eleven high schools from across west central Florida fielded teams to compete against each other in a Round Robin style competition during the morning portion of the tournament followed by a playoff style competition in the afternoon.
February 20, 2019Community Engagement

Spoonbill Ocean Sciences Tournament Bowl
Florida high school teams from the Panhandle to the Everglades will gather Saturday, February 16, 2019 to compete in the 15th Annual Spoonbill Ocean Sciences Bowl competition.
February 11, 2019Community Engagement