
Exercise Recommendations

Exercise Recommendations:

According to the American College of Sports Medicine Recommendations on Quantity and Quality of Exercise, adults optimally need at least 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, 2-3 days of resistance training (weight training), and 2-3 days of flexibility/neuromotor exercise, per week. Below is a more in-depth explanation of each of these areas and some suggestions for how to accomplish them.

Cardiovascular exercise is defined as any sport or activity that rhythmically works large muscle groups and is maintained for an extended period of time. This type of exercise is also recognized through an increased oxygen demand that increases heart rate as well as breath volume and rate.


  • 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week
  • 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity (5 times per week) 


  • 20-60 minutes of vigorous intensity (3 times per week)

Examples of cardiovascular exercises: Running, bicycling, elliptical, swimming, racquetball, soccer, basketball, zumba, etc.

Resistance exercise is defined as physical activity designed to improve muscular fitness through external resistance. This type of exercise will help to maintain or increase strength and mass of skeletal muscle tissue. Ideal resistance exercise involves full-body coverage through a variety of exercises, over the course of a number of workouts.

Recommendation: 2-3 days training all major muscle groups per week

Strength: For this exercise, use a more challenging weight. 8-12 repetitions for 2-4 sets will help to improve strength.

Endurance: For each exercise, use a slightly lighter weight, 15-20 repetitions for 2-4 sets will help to improve muscular endurance.

Examples of resistance exercises: Resistance exercises can be done in a variety of ways depending on your desired outcome and the availability of equipment. Weight training may involve barbells and dumbbells, stationary weight machines, or even just body weight. Visit the exercise Library link in the resources section for instruction on specific exercises.

Flexibility/Neuromotor exercise is defined as exercises that help to increase range of motion in joints and improve stability. These exercises primarily serve the purpose of decreasing risk of injury during exercise as well as daily tasks. Examples of flexibility/neuromotor exercises include stretching, yoga, tai chi, and other exercises that involve controlled movement or sustained stretching of various muscle groups.

Recommendation: 20-30 minutes of training, 2-3 days per week.

Examples of flexibility/neuromotor exercises: Stretching, Yoga, and Tai Chi.