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Interactive Phonepardy Game

Interactive Phonepardy Game

As part of Applying Linguistics to ESOL Teaching and Testing, USF students are expected to identify, classify and provide succinct descriptions of phenomes. In his face-to-face course, Dr. Liontas utilized a PowerPoint presentation to engage his students with a Jeopardy-like game to fulfill the learning outcome. However, Dr. Liontas was looking for a creative solution for presenting the same activity in the online environment.

Dr. Liontas partnered with Digital Learning to reimagine this exercise using gamification techniques and interactive technology. The newly designed game provides students with a variety of question types and real-time feedback. Student performance is tracked throughout the game and results are provided, offering a detailed summary of the student’s strengths and weaknesses related to phonemes. This highly engaging activity gives students the opportunity to track their learning progress and re-visit course materials to strengthen their knowledge.