Test Preparation

GMAT Test Preparation

Course Detail: TPP11096 - GMAT Test Preparation

The GMAT prep class provides 24 hours of in-classroom instruction on the Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing sections of the GMAT. This comprehensive course includes a review of the mathematical concepts tested on the GMAT, and prepares you for the Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency questions most typically seen on the GMAT's Quantitative section. Strengthen your Reading Comprehension and Sentence Correction skills with proven tips that help you save time, eliminate mistakes, and improve your score. This course will teach you the critical reasoning skills tested on the GMAT's new Integrated Reasoning section and the Analytical Writing Assessment. This class is ideal for anyone looking to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or other business-related advanced degree within the next five years.

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