Lab Photos
American Society of Criminology Annual Meetings

The Office Experience - 2021

Lab members on a Gangsters & Ghosts tour of Chicago - 2021

Graduate Students - 2021

Day trip to Alcatraz Island - 2019

CJRP takes ASC by storm - 2019

Out to dinner with Dr. Verona - 2019
Society for the Study of Psychopathy (SSSP) - 8th Biennial Meeting 2019 - Las Vegas, Nevada

Lauren presents on inhibitory control in psychopathy

Meeting Dr. Robert Hare!

Out in Vegas with Dr. Verona

Hanging with some interesting characters
Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) - 59th Annual Meeting 2019 - Buffalo,
New York

Visit to the top...

...and the bottom...

...of Niagara Falls
International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) - 23rd Biennial Meeting 2018 - Paris, France

Lab Fun