Zheng “Chris” Chen

Associate Professor
Campus: St. Petersburg
Room: LPH 427
Phone: 727-873-4087
Zheng “Chris” Chen is an associate professor of management in the School of Information Systems and Management in St. Petersburg, where she researches and teaches human behavior in business. She began teaching because she wanted to help create better organizational environments and has worked at USF since 2010. She has received more than $67,000 in research and teaching grants and is a member of both the Academy of Management and the Work-Family Research Network.
Her research has appeared in many journals, including the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Behavior Research Methods, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and many others. Her course on Human Resources Management was recognized in 2020 by Quality Matters and she received the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2017. She is certified in Deep Integrated Yoga Study and incorporates some of the practice’s philosophies into her coursework to help students become more mindful.
Chen earned a PhD from the University of Connecticut, a master's degree from Boston College and an MBA from Appalachian State University.
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