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The Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership reflects on the passing of Bill Heller

leader bill heller passes

The Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership is a small but important part of the long and storied career of Prof. H. William “Bill” Heller. Heller served as the director of the center during its formative years and helped guide its vision on ethical leadership. He was a living example of a trust-centered, ethical leader who empowered others to do their best work with a keen ability to listen without judgment, encourage with positive words and offer support by bringing resources to the table. He assumed the best of people and inspired them to live up to the best of their abilities. Heller operated with integrity, making decisions out of a deep and genuine concern for others, both people working on the project and those intended to be positively impacted by it.

On behalf of the Bishop Center, we wish to convey our sincere thanks to Bill Heller, for his impactful work in the community, and his wife, Jeanne, who made it possible for Bill to do this work. He leaves a legacy that will live in the hearts of so many in this community.