About CBCS

Safety Message #11

Over the course of the safety campaign, we have highlighted several resources that the University has provided to help ensure our safety and protection. These resources alone, however, may not be enough to keep us safe. This month, I'd like to provide you with some measures that you can take at work to help achieve this goal.

Given that the highest percentage of crime that takes place on our campus is theft, here are some tips to help discourage thieves:

  • When leaving your office, even for short periods, always lock your door.
  • When possible, ensure valuables are kept in locked drawers or cabinets.
  • Do not prop open doors to side exits. These exits can allow unobserved entrance into the building by thieves. Do not compromise the safety of the entire building in order to save yourself a few steps.
  • Where possible, maintain a current inventory list for your office or area so it is easy to ascertain when something is missing.

While crime is infrequent, we should always remain aware of potential threats. If you notice someone who does not belong in your area, or if a situation does not feel right, the best measure to take would be to call the University Police by either dialing 911 or (813) 974-2628. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.