
The Substance Misuse and Addictions Research Traineeship (SMART) lab was launched Spring 2021, under the leadership of PI Dr. Micah Johnson and Co-PI Dr. Kimberly Johnson. During the first year of the program, trainees operated in a virtual space (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), however the SMART lab (a 2,000 square ft space located in the College of Behaviroal & Community Sciences on the USF Tampa campus) rennovations will be complete this summer, and the lab be fully operational starting Fall 2022.
Following the success of the Summer 2021 SMART Pilot, the SMART lab welcomed its first cohort of students Fall 2021.
Because SMART prioritizes character education, the initial lab activities were guided by the seven SMART principles: rigor, passion, social justice, integrity, compassion, accountability, and companionship.
2022 SMART START Symposium

Trainee Samay Shah's oral presentation

Trainee poster session group photo