
Welcome to the USF Nexus Initiative

The University of South Florida Nexus Initiative (UNI) offers tenured/tenure-track and full-time research faculty members the opportunity to collaborate with global and national community partners in scholarly and innovative projects; develop sustained research and scholarship programs with high-impact researchers at other institutions; and create opportunities for exceptional graduate students to expand the breadth of their research and scholarly experience. UNI has enhanced research activities of faculty members by strengthening a variety of partnerships, resulting in efforts with the potential to significantly advance current human understanding and address pressing societal needs.

Through joint research and scholarship, our faculty and their partners are shaping the future of their local communities, their countries, and the world by engaging in interdisciplinary collaborations. These span the range from the molecular regime investigating surface self-assembly of giant supramolecules to studies of zonal jets related to the dynamics of polar vortices on Jupiter and Saturn as well as Earth. Across the lifespan of humans, UNI researchers have focused their activities on inquiry project investigations in early childhood classrooms to examining genetic markers for Alzheimer’s Disease. Through their efforts we are learning more about paleo-contents of Roman amphorae from Sicilian underwater shipwrecks, examining cross-influences between Chinese and Western music in the twenty-first century, and addressing portable power generation in rural Africa.

The partnerships between USF faculty and their collaborators at other global or national universities, national laboratories or research centers are at the heart of UNI. To date, UNI has supported eighty one unique collaborations spanning thirty two countries and twelve U.S. states, cultivating an invaluable – and growing – network of opportunity and impact. For updates about UNI projects and partnerships, visit the executive report.

Go Bulls!

pritish mukherjee photo

Pritish Mukherjee, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Associate Vice President
Strategic Talent Recruitment, University Reputation and Impact