About CBCS

Safety Message #12

One year ago, I launched this campaign with hopes of equipping our College with the tools required to maintain a safe working environment for both our employees, as well as our students. To this end I took a look at some of the crime statistics for USF, and provided some tips on how to prevent the most common crimes. A night walk of the areas surrounding the MHC and MHA buildings was conducted and potential danger spots around these buildings were eliminated following this walk. I also addressed topics such as active shooter, fire safety, and the USF emergency alert system. A full list of the topics addressed can be found on the Dean's Office home page.

For this final installment, I'd like to address the issue of handling difficult individuals in the work place. Lt. Charlotte Domingo conducted a training on this issue which can be found here. Some important points to remember from this video when dealing with difficult individuals are:

  • Always project calmness when dealing with an upset individual.
  • Have more than one person trying to help the upset individual.
  • Have office protocols for dealing with emergencies.
  • Dial 911 or have someone else dial 911 if the situation becomes unmanageable.

I hope over the course of the last 12 months, I have been able to provide information that is both relevant and helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if you find situations within the College that seem to be unsafe.