Excellence at Work
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

USF Rolls Out Its First Zero-Emission Electric Bus
Bull Runner debuted it's first zero emission electric bus on Earth Day 2021.
April 22, 2021Parking and Transportation

Bull Runner Announces Plans to Debut its First Electric Bus
Bull Runner is set to debut it's first zero emission electric bus on Earth Day.
April 8, 2021Parking and Transportation

Mack: My Experience with COVID-19
Richard Mack (“Mack”), with PATS, spent time with the Bull Runner team to remind them the importance of following CDC health guidelines after his experience with COVID-19.
February 22, 2021Parking and Transportation

Utilities Employees Create Custom Breakroom Tables
Dana (Mark) Fussel, from Facilitites Management, with the help of Bryant Santos, Juan Pena, Bradley Orr and Jim Nibblet, created handmade furniture for the PPC breakroom.
February 16, 2021Facilities Management

Administrative Services Employees Reach 35+ years with USF
Three Administrative Services employees were recognized for their long standing commitment to the University of South Florida as part of the Length of Service recognition program.
January 29, 2021Facilities Management

Utilities Department Holds Virtual RFP Tour
A standard request for proposal includes an in-person site tour, but due to COVID-19 restrictions and policies at USF, the Utilities Department had to transition to a virtual tour.
January 22, 2021Facilities Management