
Todd Jurgess




Curriculum Vitae


My scholarly work focuses primarily on the relation between technology and aesthetics in the context of cinema and other moving image media. My dissertation, "Informatic Worlds: Digital Cinema's Realist Intervention," was completed at the University of Florida in May 2015. In it, I argue that digital effects and animation have not undone photography's ability to capture concrete reality, but instead complicate our understanding of a contemporary world that already includes media and technology as integral aspects of experience. This work -- in conjunction with article projects on high-frame rate cameras and experimental glitch video -- seeks to clarify how digital technologies have changed cinema's prevailing models in order to unravel how moving image media help to shape economic, political, and philosophical understandings of our contemporary world.

In addition to teaching FIL 1002, the department's introduction to film and new media studies, I will also offer an upper-division course on Digital Video Production for Spring 2016.