
The Programa Arqueológica Chincha (PACH)

The Programa Arqueológica Chincha (PACH) is directed by Dr. Charles Stanish and co-directed by Dr. Henry Tantaleán aims to gain insight into the evolution of Paracas communities in the Chincha Valley of southern Peru. In particular, it focuses on the registration, analysis and archaeological explanation of the formation of the first complex and/or state societies. In this area, this social phenomenon could be correlated with the society known in the archaeological literature as Paracas (800 B.C.E.- A.D. 200). Undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate students from several universities participate in the archaeological work necessary to accomplish the goals of PACH.

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Major publications

1. Tantaleán, H., and C. Stanish. Cerro del Gentil: Un sitio Paracas en el valle de Chincha, costa sur del Perú. Programa Arqueológico Chincha (PACH), 2017.

2. Tantaleán, H., Stanish, C., Pérez, K. and Rodríguez, A., 2017. Las ocupaciones paracas y topará en Cerro del gentil, valle de Chincha. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, (22), pp.61-89.

3. Pérez, K., Fernández A., Tantaleán H., and Stanish C.. 2015. El estilo cerámico Carmen y su presencia en el valle medio de Chincha, costa sur del Perú. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines, 44 (2): 181-204.

4. Stanish, C., H. Tantaleán, K. Knudson. 2018. Feasting and the evolution of cooperative social organizations circa 2300 B.P. in Paracas culture, southern Peru. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences July 2018.

5. Tantaleán, H., Stanish, C., Rodríguez, A. and Pérez, K., 2016. The final days of paracas in Cerro del Gentil, Chincha Valley, Peru. PloS one, 11(5), p.e0153465.

6.  Tantaleán, H., Rodríguez, A. and Stanish, C., 2020. Una ofrenda Paracas en Cerro del Gentil, valle medio de Chincha. Investigaciones sociales, 22(42), pp. 91-108.

7. Stanish C. and H. Tantaleán 2020.  El Complejo de Geoglifos de Chincha. The Geoglyphs of Chincha.  Bilingual. Publicaciones del Programa Arqueológico Chincha-PACH/PACH Press.

8. Tantaleán, H., Stanish, C., Zegarra, M., Pérez, K. and Nigra, B., 2013. Paracas en el valle de Chincha: Nuevos datos y explicaciones. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, (17), pp. 31-56.

9.  Stanish, C., Tantaleán, H., Nigra, B.T. and Griffin, L., 2014. A 2,300-year-old architectural and astronomical complex in the Chincha Valley, Peru. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(20), pp.7218-7223.

10. Stanish, C. and Tantaleán, H., 2018. The Chincha lines. Ñawpa Pacha, 38(1), pp. 77-107.

11.  Rodríguez Yábar, A.S., 2021. Una lectura desde la etnicidad: entendiendo el consumo de cerámica Paracas en Cerro del Gentil, un sitio público-ceremonial en el valle de Chincha. Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.

12. Knudson, K.J., Stanish, C., Cerna, M.C.L., Faull, K.F. and Tantaleán, H., 2016. Intra-individual variability and strontium isotope measurements: A methodological study using 87Sr/86Sr data from Pampa de los Gentiles, Chincha Valley, Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 5, pp. 590-597.

13. Tantaleán, H., Stanish, C., Rodríguez, A. and Aragonéz, I., 2021. La Cumbe: Un Centro Político-Religioso Paracas En El Valle De Chincha, Perú. Ñawpa Pacha, pp. 1-27.

14. Tantaleán, H., 2016. Paisajes rituales y políticos Paracas en el valle de Chincha, costa sur del Perú. Latin American Antiquity, 27(4), pp. 479-496.

15. Hill, K., Nigra, B., Tantaleán, H. and Jones, T., 2012. Cerro Gentil: A Paracas Mound Site in the Chincha Valley, Peru. Backdirt, pp. 93-103.

16.  Tantaleán, H., 2021. El fenomeno Paracas: estado de la cuestion y un modelo de explicacion social. Investigaciones sociales, (44), pp. 75-95.

17. Nigra, B.T., 2017. Huaca Soto and the evolution of Paracas communities in the Chincha Valley, Peru. Ph.D Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.

18. Bongers, J. L. 2019. Mortuary Practice, Imperial Conquest, and Sociopolitical Change in the Middle Chincha Valley, Peru (ca. AD 1200-1650). Ph.D Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.

19. Dalton J. 2020. Excavations at Las Huacas (AD 1200-1650): Exploring Elite Strategies and Economic Exchange During the Inca Empire. PhD diss. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

20. Weinberg, C., Nigra, B.T., Lozada, M.C., Stanish, C.S., Tantaleán, H., Bongers, J. and Jones, T., 2016. Demographic analysis of a looted late intermediate period tomb, Chincha Valley, Peru. Andean Past, 12(1), p. 8.

21.  Nigra, B., Jones, T., Bongers, J., Stanish, C., Tantaleán, H. and Pérez, K., 2014. The Chincha Kingdom: The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Late Intermediate Period South Coast, Peru. Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, pp. 36-47.

22. Griffin, L. 2013. Spatial linkages on the Peruvian south coast in the Early Horizon: A view from Cerro del Gentil.  MA thesis, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, Los Angeles