
Stakeholder and Campus Involvement

Stakeholder engagement, feedback, and iteration are at the forefront of USF’s BFA redesign efforts. The Budget & Financial Analysis Office is the primary resource to help campus understand the new budget model and train users on how to best leverage incentives. As part of this effort, the Budget & Financial Analysis Office is following a campus engagement and socialization plan summarized below.

Campus Engagement

A variety of campus constituents are actively engaged and continue to provide critical input, perspectives, and feedback on USF’s budget model efforts and transition plan. These include the Board of Trustees, Council of Deans, Regional Chancellors, Vice Presidents, and the Faculty Senate Budget Committee, among others.

The model redesign was supported by the Resource Allocation Subcommittee, which served as the primary advisory body to the President. The Board of Trustees, President, and Academic Deans all supported the initial model redesign following the Subcommittee’s efforts. As the redesign process moves into the Parallel Year, there will be a new committee structure to support the implementation of the model.

Extensive outreach and engagement to promote campus understanding of the new budget model will continue over the next year. This engagement serves three primary purposes: 1) inform campus leaders on incentives within the funding model to generate new revenues and operate efficiently, 2) educate leaders on new levels of autonomy and accountability afforded under the new budget model, and 3) gather feedback from the broad campus community on the new funding model.

If you have a question or your campus group would like to be further engaged, please email RCM@usf.edu.