Guiding Principles
An assessment of USF’s historical incremental budgeting practices resulted in a set of guiding principles and a firm recommendation that the University move to a responsibility center management (RCM) style model. The guiding principles adopted include the following:
- Align and advance strengths and priorities across OneUSF with all three campuses and USF Health.
- Ensure cost-effective and strategic use of fiscal and human resources through streamlined processes and structure.
- Establish a transparent, simple, consistent, predictable, and sustainable funding model with incentives that advance the university’s strategic plan and mission of excellence.
- Diversify and strengthen financial revenue streams to support programs and operations in a dynamic environment.
- Balance local autonomy with a strong sense of unity in mission, vision, and values.
- Provide increased transparency into USF finances and foster an information-rich disclosure on college priorities and budget matters.
- Encourage creativity and responsible risk-taking while providing for reasonable reserves and oversight.
- Provide mechanisms for investments in research, teaching, and service at all levels.
- Align responsibility, authority, and accountability over fiscal matters.
- Provide for reasonable transitions and bridging strategies.
- Align with the USF strategic plan.
Using the above guiding principles – and with input from a variety of USF constituents
– USF has designed a new budget model that empowers units to pursue entrepreneurial
and revenue generating activities aligned with the strategic priorities and missions
of USF.