2022 E-Insights Report

Access to Affordable Health Care

  • Baltimore is consistently ranked at No.1 over the years for the least amount of residents with access to affordable health care.
  • The Tampa Bay region has seen improvement in access to affordable health care rate since 2017.
  • Charlotte experienced significant improvement in the ranking since 2015.

About: Measures access to affordable health care in terms of percentage of surveyed respondent who responded 'Yes' to the question 'Was there a time in the past 12 months when you needed to see a doctor but could not because of cost?'
Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).
*Data not available for the San Diego MSA.

Access to Affordable Health Care Rate

Access to Affordable Health Care Rate

Access to Affordable Health Care Rate Trend

Access to Affordable Health Care Rate Trend

Competitive Position Trend