Child and Family Behavioral Health
Recent CFBH Faculty Publications

Callejas, L., Jones, N., Watson, A., & Marino, M. (2024). A county-level case study of early psychosis in the context of a hybrid juvenile competency restoration and mental health problem-solving court and linkage to coordinated specialty care services. Community Mental Health Journal.
Yampolskaya, S., Sowell, C., Walker-Egea, C., Hanak-Coulter, J., & Pecora, P. J. (2024). Family Intensive Treatment for child welfare involved caregivers with substance misuse issues: Safety, permanency and well-being outcomes. Clinical Social Work Journal.
McNeish Taormina, R., Simmons, C., & Tran, Q. (2024). Happiness matters: Emotional health factors that contribute to perceived overall health in African American men. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 32(1), 136–151.
McNeish, R., Massey, O., Walker, C., Sowell, C., Rigg, K., Simmons, C., Ph.D., & Tran,
Q. (2023). Building Capacity to Create Community Change (BC4): A model to support
successful program planning and implementation. Evaluation and Program Planning,
McHale, J., Burton, D., Negrini, L., Jacob, A. A., & Butler, L. (2023). Inspiring respect for fathers as coparents through a trauma-informed, infant-family mental health transformation of community-based services: process and early implementation with a multi-agency community collaborative. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1282888.
Jones, N., Callejas, L., Brown, M., Colder Carras, M., Croft, B., Pagdon, S., Sheehan, L., Oluwoye, O., & Zisman-Ilani, Y. (2023). Barriers to meaningful participatory mental health services research and priority next steps: Findings from a national survey. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.), 74(9), 902–910.
Joseph, R., Thomas, L., Anderson, R., Vatalaro, A., Akiwumi, F. & Briscoe, R. (2023). Learning while Black: Racial and educational challenges of Black students. Journal of Black Studies, 54 (8), 639-660.
Callejas, L.M., Barchas-Lichtenstein, J., Su, A., & Peeples, E. (2023). Publics, anthropologies, and public anthropology. American Anthropologist, 126(1), 149–152.
Callejas, L.M. & Jones, N. (2022). “Meaningful” participatory research in a multi-stakeholder collaborative on youth pathways to care: implementation and reflections. Psychiatric Services, 73(9), 1077-1080. doi: 10.1176/
McNeish, R., Albizu-Jacob, A., & Memmoli, C. (2022). Engaging the community to effectively plan and implement community-based mental health programs. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 49(2), 149–161.
Green, S. M., Boothroyd, R. A., Armstrong, M., Lubotsky Levin, B., Martinez Tyson, D., & Massey, O. (2022). Deciding to leave care is not dropout: The emerging adult perspective. Families in Society, 103(4), 394–407.
Abella, A.D., Landers, M., Ismajli, F. et al. (2022). Stakeholder perspectives on implementing a police-mental health collaborative to improve pathways to treatment. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 49(3), 299–314.
Vroom, E. B., Massey, O. T., Akbari, Z., Bristol, S. C., Cook, B., Green, A. L., Levin, B. L., Tyson, D. M., & Johnson, M. E. (2022). Exploring perceptions of implementation practice capacity in community‐based behavioral health organizations. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(3), 1700–1716.
Vroom, E. B., & Massey, O. T. (2022). Moving from implementation science to implementation practice: The need to solve practical problems to improve behavioral health services. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 49(1), 106–116.
Callejas, L.M., Jayaram, L., & Abella, A.D. (2021). “’I would never want to live that again:’ Exploring mothers’ experiences with child welfare prevention services to better understand their acquired knowledge. Child Welfare: A Special Issue on Poverty and Child Welfare Services, 99(4), 27-50.
Callejas, L. M., Abella, A. D., & Ismajli, F. (2020). Rapid ethnographic assessment of pandemic restrictions in child welfare: Lessons from parent and provider experiences. Human Organization, 79(4), 304–312.
Yampolskaya, S., & Callejas, L. M. (2020). The effect of child mental health service use on child safety and permanency in substance misusing families. Children and Youth Services Review, 111, 104887-.
Books and Book Chapters
Hanson A, Levin BL (Eds.). Women’s Behavioral Health: A Public Health Perspective. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2024.
Taormina, R.M., Tran, Q. (2024). Promoting Male Mental Well-Being Through Community-Based Strategies. In: Zangeneh, M. (eds) Essentials in Health and Mental Health. Advances in Mental Health and Addiction. Springer, Cham.
Levin, B. L., & Hanson, A. (Eds.). (2020). Foundations of behavioral health. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Technical Reports
Abella, A.D., Vargo, A., Cruz, Coy, L., A. Massey, O., Von der Embse, N., Martin, J. (June, 2023). Cross-Site Analysis and Case Study of STOP Program Grantee Perspectives on Violence Prevention and Mental Health Training Program Implementation. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice and Archived with the National Archive for Criminal Justice Data. GAN: 2020-RF-CX-0001.
Yampolskaya, S., Sowell, C., Walker, C., & Pecora, P. (2023). Nurturing parenting program (NPP) outcomes report. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Joseph, R., Mertz, R.& Butty, J. (2023). Family Literacy Initiative tracking study phase 1: Cohort 4. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Joseph, R., Mertz, R.& Butty, J. (2023). Family Literacy Initiative tracking study phase 1: Cohort 2. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences
Joseph, R., Akiwumi, F., Thomas, L., Vatalaro, A. Anderson, R. & Briscoe, R (2022). Black students ' experiences in high school and college: Resiliency, strengths, challenges and opportunities (revised). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences.
Abella, A.D., Hordge-Freeman, E., Connor, K., Wilson, R., Landers, M., Armstrong, L. (2021, September). Understanding Challenges to Engagement with Parent Education and Early Childhood Programming in a Historically Black Neighborhood. Submitted to the Task Force for Understanding Blackness and Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Our Local, National, and International Communities.