News & Events
The News & Events page provides CJMHSA Reinvestment applicants and grantees with upcoming funding opportunities.
FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program—State Solicitation
Opportunity ID: O-BJA-2024-172238
Closing Date: October 17, 2024
Solicitation Overview is forthcoming
With this solicitation, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks applications
for formula funding to, in general, provide additional personnel, equipment, supplies,
contractual support, training, technical assistance, and information systems for criminal
justice or civil proceedings to states to support a range of program areas, including
the following:
Law enforcement programs.
Prosecution and court programs.
Prevention and education programs.
Corrections and community corrections programs.
Drug treatment and enforcement programs.
Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs.
Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation).
Mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs, including
behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams.
Implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs
or initiatives, including but not limited to mental health courts, drug courts, veterans
courts, and extreme risk protection order programs.
This solicitation is only for state formula funds. BJA will issue a separate solicitation
for applications from units of local government.
Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds
Funding Opportunity Number: FR-6800-N-25A
Assistance Listing Number: 14.267
OMB Approval Number: 2506-0112
Deadline Date: November 21, 2024
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO targets efforts within CoC geographic areas to address and reduce persons experiencing homelessness by adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time CoCBuilds awards under the CoC Program. Through the CoCBuilds NOFO, HUD is encouraging CoCs to leverage funds provided for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new PSH units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. PSH is permanent housing in which supportive services are provided to assist individuals with a disability and families where at least one household member has a disability and is experiencing homelessness to live independently. Additionally, no more than 20 percent of each award may be used for other eligible CoC Program activities associated with the PSH project (e.g., supportive services, operating costs (Section IV.G.3 of this NOFO)), and no more than 10 percent of an award may be used for project administration.
More SAMHSA funding opportunities can be found here.
Search for more grant opportunties here.