
Missing Receipts

Reconcilers are required to have an original receipt for every PCard purchase. Cardholders have been trained to turn receipts into Reconcilers within three (3) business days of purchase.

Receipts are required for all purchases, including travel-related charges, regardless of the amount.

The cardholder must make every reasonable effort to obtain an itemized receipt from the vendor, including a duplicate receipt if the original is lost.

In rare cases where the receipt cannot be obtained as substantiation, the Request for Exception to Required Receipt form must be completed by the cardholder and approved by the department head.  It is subject to approval by the PCard (Purchasing) Administrator.

If the cardholder has not submitted a receipt for a transaction, delay approval of the charge until a receipt or Request for Exception to Required receipt form is submitted. Also notate the charge in the memo area of FAST indicating a receipt is in the process of being collected.