Allowable Purchases

Small dollar purchases ($4,999.99 or less) for commodities, services, and travel needed for USF System business are allowable.

When making purchases:

    • Talk with your Purchasing Agent on a regular basis for updates on USF System contracts.
    • Check State of Florida contracts for prices and potential vendors.
    • If you are buying office supplies, you MUST purchase them from Office Depot, as the USF System has an exclusive contract with Office Depot.
    • Any technology item must be purchased in accordance with the University's technology acquisition policy 00-518.
    • Check for minority vendors as potential suppliers.
    • Ensure the total cost of the purchase does not exceed your single transaction or monthly limit.
    • Have the USF System tax exempt number available. This number is available on the card issued with the PCard.

Contractual service (two-party agreements)

Payments may be made via the PCard; however, any two-party agreements requiring signature must be processed through Purchasing Services and an approved Purchase Order created.

Note: Contractual service is defined as the rendering by a contractor of its time and effort rather than the furnishing of a specific commodity.


Food can be purchased on PCard if it is paid for by an appropriate  funding source and is for an allowable purpose according to the expenditure matrix.

Cardholders can send an email requesting that their account be put into a profile that will permit purchases from food vendors – such as restaurants. The email should be approved by the cardholder's supervisor and forwarded to PCard Services.

Whenever buying food, cardholders must include a business purpose on the receipts. For example, if the food is for a function, documentation should include:

    • Name of event
    • Date
    • Number of attendees
    • Purpose of event

The purchase of alcoholic beverages is not permitted with PCard

 If in doubt about a potential purchase, contact the department PCard staff, the USF System PCard Program Manager, or Purchasing Agent.

Refer to the Expenditure Guide by Source of Funds and Procurement Method for additional guidance regarding recommended and/or prohibited use of the PCard.