Becoming a Client

Your Rights as Client

As A Client, You Have the Right to:

  1. ask questions at any time;
  2. be informed about the therapist's areas of specialization or limitations;
  3. ask questions about issues relevant to your therapy;
  4. ask questions about written materials regarding your treatment;
  5. negotiate therapeutic goals and renegotiate when necessary;
  6. be informed regarding fees for therapy and method of payment;
  7. refuse a specific intervention or treatment strategy;
  8. discuss aspects of your therapy with others outside the therapy situation, including consulting with another therapist should you choose to do so;
  9. request the therapist to send a written report regarding services rendered to a qualified therapist or organization with your written authorization;
  10. know the ethics code to which the therapist adheres;
  11. solicit help from the ethics committee of the appropriate professional organization in the event of doubt or grievances regarding the therapist's conduct;
  12. terminate therapy at any time.