Racial Justice Initiative


Dr. Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman

Office: Faculty Office Building
201 USF Willow Drive
Tampa, FL 33620
Email: hordgefreema@usf.edu


Dr. Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, Associate Professor of Sociology, has been appointed the USF College of Arts & Sciences inaugural Chair of the Racial Justice Initiative. Housed in the Institute on Black Life, Hordge-Freeman will be responsible for strategic planning and programming for the RJI. With an international reputation for her research on racism in the U.S. and Latin America, socialization in Black families, and labor exploitation, Dr. Hordge-Freeman is uniquely positioned to guide this transformative path forward. As a 4th generation native of Tampa, she maintains strong ties to the community and has a demonstrated record of working across diverse communities to support justice efforts. She previously held roles in USF senior leadership including as Sr Advisor to the President and to the Provost (2020-2022) interim vice president for institutional equity, and interim associate vice provost for faculty recruitment, retention, and engagement.