Supplier Development and Engagement | University of South Florida
Outreach Event
Attention Construction Firms! Manhattan Construction, HJ Russell, and DuCon, LLC invite all subcontractors interested in bidding on the University of South Florida’s new 35,000-seat on-campus stadium to join us for an informational session. This session will cover bid packages and the prequalification process.
SDE Calendar
Sept 19
USF Football Stadium Outreach for Subcontracting Opportunities
Sept 19
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sept 19
Mentor- Protégé Session
Sept 19
3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Sept 25
USF Football Stadium Outreach for Subcontracting Opportunities
Sept 25
2:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sept 26
USF Football Stadium Outreach for Subcontracting Opportunities
Sept 26
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Outreach Programs
Registration is now open for the USF Small & Diverse Business Symposium & Opportunity Exchange. This annual event, considered the university’s largest symposium, aims to connect women, veterans, and minority business owners with procurement and networking opportunities to help local companies expand.