
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a NetID?

The NetID is your user ID at the university. Students, faculty, and staff are automatically eligible to obtain a NetID which allows you access to a variety of online services offered at the entire university system.

Learn more about the USF NetID Single-SignOn here

What is an immunization form, and why do I need it?

As a prerequisite to registration, the State University System of Florida requires all students born after 1956 to present documented proof of immunity to measles (Rubeola) and rubella (German Measles). All students must provide proof that they have received immunizations for these diseases to Student Health Services before they will be allowed to register for classes.

These forms are sent to students by the Office of Graduate Admissions or can be downloaded from Student Health Services.

Do I need health insurance?

Health insurance coverage is a requirement for all international students and research scholars at the University of South Florida. It is required by the Board of Regents of the State University System in Florida that international students have medical insurance in order to register for classes at the University of South Florida.

The USF institutional policy requires that all non-United States citizens or non-United States permanent residents shall only be permitted to register or continue enrollment at USF by demonstrating that they have adequate medical coverage for illness or accidental injury.

For more information, please visit the Student Health Services webpage.

How do I register for my classes?

Students may register for classes online using the class schedule search in OASIS

Class schedules can be viewed in the USF Class Schedule Search.

What is MyUSF?

MyUSF is the university’s online portal. Once you register for your username and password, you will be able to see your courses listed, as well as any organizations that you have elected to participate in. You will also have access to your USF email and the USF library system from home.

Where do I obtain my USF ID card?

The USFCard is the official identification card of the University of South Florida. The USFCard is a multi-functional card with digitized photo and electronic identification and validation for departments needing to verify student and/or employee status. The USFCard was designed as a platform for a multitude of services and functions.

Are there any dining services on campus?

Yes. For more information please visit the USF Dining website.

Does the campus provide for childcare?

The university provides centers and schools for students. For more information please visit the USF Family Center and the USF Preschool for Creative Learning.

What housing options are available?

Living On-Campus
On-campus housing information is available through Housing & Residential Education.

Living Off-Campus
If you are not planning to live on campus, you can search and learn more about off-campus housing options on the Off-Campus Housing website.