
Sarah Bradley


Picture of Sarah Bradley




  • MA (2012): Anthropology and Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
  • BA (2010): Anthropology
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 


Rebecca Zarger

Research Interests

As a medical anthropologist, I research issues related to food access, food insecurity, and food justice. My research uses critical spatial analysis and urban political ecology to examine the ways in which vulnerable populations have inequitable access to food and nutrition, especially within post-industrial environments. The primary goal of my research is to describe the ways in which systemic inequalities have become a part of our built environment, and how that can affect access to food resources. My PhD fieldwork concerns the role that food charity played in Western New York during the COVID-19 pandemic and the issue of resilience for charitable food organizations and food insecure households in the context of both a pandemic and a global food syndemic. In addition to my academic research, I work as a medical anthropologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs on projects related to health care access and reintegration for marginalized Veteran populations and for Veterans with traumatic brain injury and PTSD. 


Peer Reviewed Publications 

Bradley, S. E., Haun, J., Powell-Cope, G., Haire, S., & Belanger, H. 2020. Qualitative evaluation of a phone application for veterans with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 34(8): 1031-1038. 

Devendorf, A., Bradley, S.E., Cowan, L., Barks, L., Klanchar, A., and Orozco, T. 2020. Exploring self-stigma in Veterans and caregivers of Veterans with urinary and fecal incontinence. Stigma and Health. (In press) 

Dillahunt-Aspilla, T., Bradley, S.E., Ottomanelli-Slone, L., Trexler, L., Malec, J., Butterfoss, F., Radwan, C., Ramaiah, P., Ching, D., Massengale, J., and Scott, S. 2020. Using coalition building as a tool to implement resource facilitation for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury: Implications for rehabilitation counselors. Journal of Rehabilitation, 86(3):  42-49. 

Burris, M., Bradley, S., Rykiel, K., and Himmelgreen, D. 2020. Teen Food Insecurity: Finding Solutions through the Voices of Teens. Human Organization: Spring 2020, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 13-23. 

Katzburg, J.R., Bradley, S.E., Tubbesing, S., Fickel, J., Lind, J.D., Bergman, A.A, Ong, M.K. 2019. Using geographic information system mapping in emergency management: Expanding the role of nurses in Home Based Primary Care. Nursing Clinics of North America, 55(1):81-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnur.2019.10.010 

Katzburg, J.R., Wilson, D., Fickel, J., Lind, J.D., Cowper-Ripley, D., Weber-Fleming, M., Ong, M.K., Bergman, A.A., Bradley, S.E., Tubbesing, S. 2018. GIS maps and emergency planning: Ensuring the safety of chronically ill Veterans enrolled in home based primary care. Preventing Chronic Disease. DOI:10.5888/pcd16.180501. 

Lind, J.D., Fickel, J., Cotner, B.A., Katzberg, J.R., Cowper-Ripley, D., Weber-Fleming, M., Ong, M.K., Bergman, A.A., Bradley, S.E., Tubbesing, S. 2019. Implementing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) into VA Home Based Primary Care. Journal of Geriatric Nursing. (In press) 

Bradley, S.E., Vitous, C.A. 2019. Using GIS to explore disparities between the location of food deserts and vulnerability to food insecurity. Journal of Health and Environmental Nutrition. DOI: 10.1080/19320248.2019.1617818 

Bradley, S., Vitous, A., Walsh-Felz, A., and Himmelgreen, D. 2018. Food insecurity and healthcare decision making among mobile food pantry clients in Tampa Bay. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/03670244.2018.1455673. 

Publications in Process 

Besterman-Dahan, K., Bradley, S.E., and Arriola, N. 2020. Evaluation of the impacts of a community garden program for Veterans on food security and indicators of health diets. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. (Under review) 

Cowan, L., Barks, L., Bradley, S.E., Klanchar, A., Orozco, T., and Devendorf, A. 2020. Understanding incontinence in Veterans at home: A pilot study. 2020. Rehabilitation Nursing Journal. (Under review) 

Books, Chapters, and Reviews 

Bradley, S. (2018). Steeped in heritage: The racial politics of South African rooibos tea. (Book Review). Journal of Ecological Anthropology 19(1): 76-78. 

Bradley, S. (2012). Sexual Autonomy and Non-Monogamy in the Boston Anarchist Community. In L. Koos (Ed.), Urban Popcultures.  Online: