About Us

Kaitlyn Kroner

Academic program specialist-gradaute program


Office: CHE 205F
Email: kkroner@usf.edu 
Graduate Concerns: chmgrad@usf.edu 


  • A.S., Business Administration, PHCC
  • B.A., English, University of South Florida
  • M.A., English and Creative Writing w/conc in Fiction, Southern New Hampshire University


Ms. Kroner provides administrative support for graduate students – assist with procedural requirements necessary for admission to, progress through and graduation from the Chemistry Department’s graduate programs. Serves as a point of contact to students, prospective students, and faculty on matters related to course management and enrollment, program requirements, policies and procedures, and other administrative matters.

Graduate Student Affairs

  • Serves as front line staff for graduate student matters. Assists graduate students with issues or concerns during their program.
  • Monitors graduate student compliance with program requirements. Notifies students with substandard academic grades and issues.
  • Liaison with College of Arts & Sciences and other USF departments.
  • Supports student administration through preparation of tuition waivers, maintaining student files and records, conducting graduation checks, and fulfillment of other student-related administrative requirements.
  • Performs specialized project support duties specific to the subject matter of the department or program. These duties include entering data and running reports on databases, organizing schedules and meetings, and maintaining forms, files and other records.
  • Coordinates and assembles documents for meetings, workshops, and conferences.
  • Supports department or college recruitment and admissions process. Prepares correspondence and mailings to applicants and prospects, maintains applicant records, and organizes information for review by faculty.
  • Coordinates orientation for new students.
  • Proctors ACS (qualifying) exams

Committee Involvement

  • Chemistry Department Graduate Council
  • Recruiting Committee