
Edelyn Verona

Edelyn Verona

Professor and 
Co-Director, Center for Justice Research & Policy


Office: PCD 4126
Phone: 813/974-0392



Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology), 2001, Florida State University (FSU)


Our lab approaches the study of psychology and crime through an interdisciplinary lens and collaborates with scholars in other social sciences and community partners to study and address crime, justice, and violence prevention.  Some of our prior work considered biological (e.g., genes, neurophysiology) and psychosocial factors (e.g., stress, early adversity) involved in the development and maintenance of problems of externalizing. We now focus more on applied science to understand pathways to incarceration, improve reentry for returning citizens, navigate intersections between mental health and criminal justice system involvement, and prevent violence. As an example, our group runs a large collaborative grant funded by the National Institute of Justice to implement and evaluate interventions to reduce recidivism among persons incarcerated in a county jail. Other interests include prediction of recidivism by psychological, criminological, and neurocognitive variables and examining risk factors and prevention of gun carrying and violence (which is a newer part of our work).




Verona, E., & Fox, B. (Forthcoming). Handbook of Evidence-Based Criminal Justice Practices. New York: Routledge.

Hicks, B.M., Vitro, C., Johnson, E., Sherman, C., Heitzeg, M.M., Durbin, E., & Verona, E. (in press). Who bought a gun during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States?: Associations with QAnon beliefs, right-wing political attitudes, intimate partner violence, antisocial behavior, suicidality, and mental health and substance use problems.

Verona, E., *McDonald, J., & *Bozzay, M. (in press). Threat Effects on Cognitive Systems: Testing Links to Aggression Proneness. Emotion.

Verona, E., *McKinley, S.J., *Hoffmann, A., Murphy, B., & Watts, A. (in press). Psychopathy Facets, Perceived Power, and Distinct Forms of Aggression. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research & Treatment.

*Mendez, B., *Bozzay, M., & Verona, E. (2021). Internalizing and externalizing symptoms and aggression and violence in men and women. Aggressive Behavior. 47(4), 439-452.

Fox, B., Verona, E., & *Fournier, L. (2019). Psychological assessment of risk in a county jail: implications for reentry, recidivism and detention practices in the USA. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 9, 173-186.

*Walden, A. L., *Joseph, N., & Verona, E. (2019). Reaching Under-Served Youth: A Pilot Implementation of a Skills-Based Intervention in Short-Term Juvenile Detention. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 47, 90-103.

*Hoffmann, A.M., & Verona., E. (2019). Psychopathic Traits, Gender, and Sexual Motivations: Putative Paths to Sexual Coercion. Aggressive Behavior, 45, 527–536.

Verona, E. & *Bozzay, M.L. (2017). Biobehavioral approaches to aggression implicate perceived threat and insufficient sleep: Clinical relevance and policy implications. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4, 178-185.