Bull Marketplace

Alkali Scientific


Alkali Scientific is your trusted source for Research Products! Located in FLORIDA! 
Since inception, Alkali Scientific has been providing research laboratories with innovative, cost-effective products and solutions designed to improve laboratory efficiency, safety, and results. Our goal is to build strong relationships with USF as well as to be known as USF personal local supplier! 
Alkali Scientific is a registered as a SMALL BUSINESS located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. All orders to USF will get FREE SHIPPING! Discounted Pricing! unique PROMO pricing and Next Day Delivery! 
Alkali Scientific, is thrilled to be supporting the USF & MOFFITT Research Community. Alkali Scientific takes great pride in providing high level customer service and a unique approach to building personal relationships with the Florida Scientific Community. 
If there is anything Alkali Scientific can do to help your lab, please let us know 

How to Order:

Look for Alkali Scientific in Bull Marketplace, add the items to your cart and Punch Out! 
If a quote is needed, please request a quote from Mark Silberstein 


Customer Service   
Ph: (954) 586 4170   
Mark Silberstein, Account Manager 
Ph: (404) 906 1281 

Supplier Delivery Terms 

If product is in stock, we ship NEXT DAY DELIVERY.

Supplier Return Policy:



City of St. Louis #76211
Contract Term:  July 31, 2022