Bull Marketplace

ODP Business Solutions


Office Depot B2B is now ODP BUSINES SOLUTIONS.  They remain your provider of Office Supplies, Technology, Furniture and Facilities/Breakroom supplies for USF. We have account management team for all of your needs.

ODP is USF's Exclusive Supplier for office supply products.  This benefits USF by maximizing efficiencies, reducing costs and enhancing services.

How to Order:

Look for ODP Business Solutions in Bull Marketplace, add the items to your cart and Punch Out!

USF P-Cards are accepted for in-store purchase at any ODP store location.  Ensure your P-Card is registered before making in-store purchases so you receive the USF contract pricing and the sales tax exemption.


Complete Contact Listing

Strategic Customer Care: 8am - 8pm EST Mon-Fri*
Ph: (888) 263 3423

Dinch Kagit, Sr. Account Executive|Public Sector 

Supplier Delivery Terms: 

Next business day for items ordered prior to 3pm.
Certain items show special order or 2-7 business days.
Please refer to website for delivery of items along with in stock status

Supplier Return Policy: 

30 day return policy. Special order items non returnable/refundable.
Manufacturer warranty applies to all items.

Additional Information: 

Information on available and restricted products can be found here.


 Florida International University Contract (ITN-2022-00057) through August 12, 2027
USF Contract: 2023-002997-CA-PRO