For the General Public

Get Help By County


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator: a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. Territories for substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health problems.

Department of Children and Families

Florida Department of Children and Families "get help" page offers information on finding services, resources for Veterans and licensed providers. When you enter the county name, this web page will show you the name and contact information for the Managing Entity (ME) for that County. You may call the ME to learn about services and to seek assistance.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Established in 1979, the National Alliance on Mental Illness is one of the nation’s largest mental health organizations and has over 30 local chapters throughout FL. NAMI provides education, advocacy, outreach and support groups for individuals and families living with a mental health condition. Find your local chapter to see peer-to-peer or family support groups near you.

DCF Specialty Treatment Teams

The Florida Department of Children and Families provides information on specialty services for children, families and adults by service area (County).