
English Language Arts Educators Empowered Through Poetic Pedagogy Workshop

On Saturday, February 17, 2024, the David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching hosted a transformative professional learning workshop tailored for new or alternatively certified secondary English Language Arts (ELA) teachers. Entitled "Poetic Pedagogy: Empowering New ELA Educators in the Art of Teaching Poetry," the event, facilitated by seasoned educator Tamara Shoen, aimed to equip educators with innovative teaching techniques and strategies.

Tamara Shoen, boasting 33 years of teaching experience, shared her expertise with the participants. Tamara, currently serving as the Literacy Department Chair at Coral Glades High School, immersed attendees in discussions on best practices for teaching poetry to secondary students. Key focal points included engaging students in authentic interactions with poetry, particularly exploring tone, ambiguity, and theme, as well as addressing common misconceptions in reading and understanding poetry.

The workshop fostered a collaborative environment, encouraging peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities among ELA and reading teachers. Participants were eager to implement the practical strategies introduced during the session into their daily curricula.

Joe Monaghan, an English teacher at Northeast High School, expressed his gratitude for the enriching experience, stating, "Thank you so much for conducting such an interesting, entertaining, and useful poetry workshop on Saturday. It was great to hear everyone's ideas! I will definitely incorporate some of your great ideas into my everyday curriculum."

The workshop not only provided valuable insights and techniques but also served as a platform for educators to exchange ideas, enhancing their teaching practices and ultimately benefiting their students' learning experiences. With a commitment to continuous professional development, educators left the workshop empowered and inspired to further enrich their classrooms with the beauty and depth of poetry.