Article Listing
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Eileen Hoffman Hafer UMatter Program awarded USF Student Success Innovation Award
The College of Education's Eileen Hoffman Hafer UMatter Program was selected to receive the USF Student Success Innovation Award for the 2021-22 academic year.
April 11, 2022Community Engagement

Doctoral student receives ‘People’s Choice’ award at USF Graduate Research Symposium
Mohammed Alqahtani, a graduate student in the USF College of Education, received a People’s Choice Award for his research project presented at the university’s Graduate Student Research Symposium.
April 7, 2022Academics, Student Life

USF team creates online talk show to educate Hispanic community about autism spectrum disorders
After meeting at a USF Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) conference last year, two College of Education graduates and an employee in USF’s Department of Child and Family Studies emerged with an idea to educate the Hispanic community on autism-related issues.
August 2, 2021Community Engagement

Doctoral student receives national fellowship from Drexel Fund to launch inclusive private school
USF doctoral student Gretchen L. Stewart was awarded a fellowship by The Drexel Fund to help launch a new private school in the Tampa Bay area.
March 9, 2021College of Education News, Student Life

Alumni Spotlight: Linda Morales
As a parent of three and a former stay-at-home mom, Linda Morales was no stranger to the term “parent involvement.”
May 19, 2020Alumni and Friends, Student Life

USF receives grant to support doctoral studies in literacy interventions, special education leadership
The USF College of Education was awarded a grant to support education professionals pursuing doctoral studies in leadership roles within the field of special education.
October 18, 2019College of Education News, Research

Student Spotlight: Ashley White
From campus to country, USF College of Education doctoral candidate Ashley White is using her time at USF to help reform special education policy and make a lasting impact on the field.
February 1, 2019Student Life

Professor appointed to Learning Disabilities Association Professional Advisory Board
College of Education Professor David Allsopp, PhD, was appointed to a three-year term on the Professional Advisory Board of the Learning Disabilities Association of America.
June 27, 2018Faculty and Staff