About Us

Distinguished Speaker Series

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida brings in globally recognized researchers that engage in cutting-edge and deeply impactful scientific R&D across all areas of computing.

The field of computing is witnessing explosive growth in so many diverse areas. The  distinguished Seminar series represents the department’s commitment to ensure that our students, faculty, collaborators and all stakeholders are exposed to critical scientific advancements in the broad computing landscape that have significant impact to advancing our society as a whole. All are welcome to attend the talks.


Nitesh Chawla

Frank M. Freimann Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame

Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Traversing the AI + X Continuum for Impact

October 25, 2024
USF - Tampa Campus
USF Research Park
3814 Spectrum Level 1

Click here to read Abstract and Bio!

Click for the Google Calendar event!


Carolina Cruz-Neira

Agere Chair Professor of Computer Science, University of Central Florida
National Academy of Engineering Member

Talk Title and Time: TBA


Karen Panetta

Distinguished Professor, Tufts University School of Engineering
National Academy of Engineering Member

Talk Title and Time: TBA


Mohit Bansal

John R. & Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, UNC Chapel Hill
Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (ECASE), IIT Kanpur Young Alumnus Award, DARPA Director's Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, Army Young Investigator Award (YIP)

Talk Title and Time: TBA

Spring Seminars


Avi Ma’ayan

Mount Sinai Endowed Professor and Director of Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics
Professor, Department of Pharmacological Sciences, Professor of AI and Public Health, Faculty at Icahn Genomics Institute

Talk Title and Time: TBA