Tampa Fall 2024 Structured Courses
Course Number | Name | Credit | Instructor of Record |
BSC 6930 | Lectures in Contemporary Biology | 1 | K. Scott |
BSC 5931 | Microbial Physiology and Genetics | 3 | K. Scott |
BSC 6849 | Graduate Skills in Biology | 3 | V. Harwood |
BSC 6932 | Ecosystem Ecology | 3 | D. Lewis |
BSC 6932 | Theoretical Ecology | 3 | D. Santiago Alarcon |
BSC 6932 | Plants in a Changing Environment | 3 | C. Richards |
BSC 6932 | Marine Ecosystem Dynamics | 3 | B. Gemmell |
BSC 6932 | Sustainability of Natural Resources | 3 | G. Philippidis |
BSC 6933 | Advances in Life Sciences (Core course for MS) | 1 | TBA |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Parasite Ecology | 1 | D. Santiago Alarcon |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Ecological Genomics | 1 | C. Richards |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Biogeochemistry | 1 | D. Lewis |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Plant Microbial Ecology | 1 | C. Zalamea |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Environmental Microbio | 1 | V. Harwood |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Ecological Entomology | 1 | P. Stiling |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Quantitative Ecology | 1 | A. Kramer |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Research Synthesis | 1 | M. Lajeunesse |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Physiology | 1 | S. Deban |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Marine Genomics | 1 | J. Parkinson |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Evolution Genomics | 1 | M. Margres |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Digital Biology | 1 | R. Carney |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Marine Biology | 1 | B. Gemmell |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Bio Ed Research | 1 | L. Prevost |
BSC 6932 | Adv. in Animal Behavior | 1 | Y. Yang |
Course Number | Course Name | Credits | Instructor of Record |
BSC 6935 | Graduate Seminar in BIO | 1 | Student’s Major Professor |
BSC 6971 | Thesis: Master’s | 2 to 19 | Student's Major Professor |
BSC 7910 | Directed Research | 1 to 19 | Student’s Major Professor |
BSC 7936 | Doctoral Seminar | 1 | Student’s Major Professor |
BSC 7980 | Dissertation: Doctoral | 2 to 19 | Student’s Major Professor |
BSC 6905 | Independent Study | 1 to 19 | Student’s Major Professor |
BSC 6910 | Directed Research | 1 to 19 | Student’s Major Professor |