
Student Organization

USF Biology Graduate Student Organization (BGSO)

The purpose of the Biology Graduate Student Organization (BGSO) is to:

  • Serve as the official representative body of the biology graduate students before the university
  • Provide a forum for discussion of issues and dissemination of information relevant to biology graduate students
  • Organize, promote, and conduct activities beneficial to biology graduate student life
  • BGSO has a Teams page where you can keep up with IB graduate student events
student organization banner

If you’d like to join, visit our BullsConnect page or email us with any questions!

2024-2025 Officers

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Kathleen Scott,


Claire Crookston, 

Vice President

Kate McLendon, 


Roman Priestley, 


Elise Samuelson, 

Each year, the Biology Graduate Student Organization solicits nominations from Integrative Biology graduate students for accomplished and inspirational biologists to present a research seminar at USF. Our most recent speakers include:

  • 2020: Dr. Hollie Putnam (University of Rhode Island) who presented on "Avenues of marine invertebrate acclimatization in response to rapid environmental change"
  • 2019: Dr. Adam Summers (University of Washington) who presented on "Marine biomechanics - fishes do the most amazing things"
  • 2018: Dr. Lacey Knowles (University of Michigan) who presented on "Species divergence shaped by the intersects of ecology and climate change"