
Robert D. Benford

Professor Emeritus


Office: CPR 209
Phone: (813) 974-2893


Dr. Benford has interests in social movements, war and peace, social psychology, and the sociology of sport. His published works focus on framing processes, narratives, collective identity and other social constructionist issues associated with collective action. His research has appeared in the Annual Review of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, The Sociological Quarterly, Sociological Inquiry, Peace Review, Current Perspectives in Social Theory, International Social Movement Research, and Mobilization . He is the former editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ethnography and editor of Twayne Publishers' Social Movements Past and Present Series. He also served as President of the Midwest Sociological Society, and Chair of the Peace, War & Social Conflict and the Collective Behavior/Social Movements sections of the American Sociological Association.