Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Associate professor urges speech-language pathologists to approach stuttering in a new way
Nathan Maxfield, PhD, CCC-SLP, spoke at the 2024 Annual Caitlin King Case Study Event.
November 4, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Audiology student receives award from the Florida Academy of Audiology
Audiology student April Boothe was selected to receive the Marc Trychel Future Leader Award from Florida Academy of Audiology.
September 6, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Recruitment extended for ground-breaking dementia prevention research
The study examines whether computerized brain training exercises can reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.
August 23, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Educational Interpreter Project hosts annual Summer Institute
Over seventy participants from across the state of Florida came to hear the presenters.
August 12, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

CSD associate professor to serve as an associate editor for the Journal of Fluency Disorders
Nathan Maxfield, PhD, CCC-SLP, will begin serving as an associate editor Sept. 1.
August 2, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

ASL interpreting faculty and staff attend Hands Up Conference
Faculty and staff representing the Bachelor of Arts in ASL Interpreting program hosted a table at the Hands Up Conference.
July 19, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

CSD faculty receive awards to support mentored activities
Hana Kim, PhD, and Jisook Park, PhD, were selected to receive the Advancing Academic-Research Careers Award.
July 12, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

In memoriam: Michelle Bourgeois
Michelle Bourgeois, PhD, CCC-SLP, was an internationally acclaimed behavioral scientist in the field of communication sciences and disorders.
July 12, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

CSD associate professor shares expertise on accessible hearing health care
Michelle Arnold was selected to lead a discussion on hearing health care outcomes and consequences in the U.S.
July 1, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

CBCS faculty receive funding through USF's new multidisciplinary research initiative
The awarded project establishes a center dedicated to transforming the landscape of care for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
June 21, 2024Child and Family Studies, College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders, School of Aging Studies

CSD students learn from individuals living with dysphonia
Representatives from Dysphonia International shared their experiences of living with a voice disorder.
June 17, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders

Audiology program director and assistant professor of instruction elected as ASA Fellow
Jungmee Lee, PhD, was elected as a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) for contributions to auditory processing of simple and complex signals.
May 22, 2024College News, Communication Sciences and Disorders