
Research Council

The Research Council (RC) is an Ad Hoc Faculty Committee of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences. The Research Council is responsible for advising the Dean and Associate Dean of Research on matters pertaining to guidelines and procedures intended to promote growth, excellence, and integrity in research and creative activity throughout the college. 

The RC is comprised of one representative from each department or school in the college, appointed by the Faculty Council and Dean, to serve as a voting member. The Dean may appoint at-large faculty members representing broader constituencies, such as Centers or Institutes in the college, to serve as ex officio RC members. RC members typically serve a three-year term. RC members are selected because they have demonstrated productivity in research or other creative activity, have accessed research support infrastructure, and are willing to network with other researchers in their units. The RC members elect the RC chair and the Associate Dean of Research and a College Research Administrator representative serve as ex officio members.
The Research Council meets as needed and at least twice per semester during the Fall and Spring Semesters. RC members conduct the Internal Award selection process for the college.

Activities of the Research Council
The RC is responsible for four primary activities annually:

1. Develop guidelines and procedures and recommend awardees for the college Internal Awards grant program.

2. Develop strategies and tactics for publicizing research achievements, community partnerships, innovative products, results of sabbaticals, etc.

3. Serve as a liaison between investigators and research administrators. The RC surveys faculty researchers at least once every three years to assess the extent to which research needs of faculty are being met. RC members compile feedback on research support operations from fellow researchers, research administrators, and support personnel on an ongoing basis. This information helps guide improvements in and compliance with college and university policies and procedures pertaining to research matters.

4. Recommend strategies for promoting growth and excellence in research. The RC helps facilitate programs for mentoring faculty and for promoting interdisciplinary and international collaborations, and facilitates community partnerships to support research activities. The RC members liaison with their units about strategies for promoting successful grantsmanship and grant management and for maintaining high integrity in research and creative activities.

2023-24 Council Chair: Marilyn Stern, Child & Family Studies