Global and National Security Institute

GNSI 2-Year Review

What do you think can be accomplished in two years? At GNSI, the answer to that question is A LOT! Our latest publication tracks all of the highlights from our first two years of operation.

Check it out! 

Feature Story

Artist's rendering of Olympic athletes in brightly colored uniforms raising their arms in solidarity with the Olympic rings in the background

The Abraham Accords ushered in a new era of relations between Israel and Arab states in the Middle East. Now that the region is once again on the brink of a full-scale war, our latest Decision Brief examines the future role of the Accords.

Feature Story

Logo for the GNSI Journal of Strategic Security

Current Issue: Volume 17, Number 3. This issue revisits the second Taiwan Strait crisis and lessons learned, as well as provides an Indian perspective on the regulation of Deepfakes and using geospatial analysis to explore crimes along the Texas-Mexico border.