Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years

Technology Tip: 5 Common Password Mistakes
USF Information Technology is launching a new regular series called “Tech Tips and Tricks” to provide students, faculty and staff with helpful tips about using features in the technology tools we have at USF.
February 11, 2025Technology Tip

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Learn safe computing strategies and enter to win prizes in an online competition.
October 1, 2024IT in the News

Visit the IT Hub: Your Central Resource for IT News, Systems Status, Resource Information, and Support
Welcome to the IT Hub, the central resource for all things IT at USF.
August 15, 2024Service Enhancements

Having problems logging into DegreeWorks?
Quick tip for problems logging into DegreeWorks.
July 29, 2024Service Announcements

Announcing the New USF IT Systems Status Page
USF Information Technology is pleased to announce the launch of our new IT Systems Status Page to help keep you informed about the operational status of our USF IT systems.
July 19, 2024Service Enhancements

Still Using 'Classic Teams'? Important Dates for You to Know
In March, IT Communications announced upcoming changes to Microsoft Teams and urged everyone to upgrade promptly. Microsoft has introduced a 'New Teams' experience and will discontinue support for the 'Classic Teams' version of their software. Microsoft has released some additional dates for the end of support and availability of the ‘Classic Teams’ experience.
June 28, 2024Service Enhancements

New Dates: Faculty Request Deadlines for Lab and Classroom Software
Important information and deadlines for faculty software requests.
June 21, 2024Service Announcements

Changes to Microsoft Teams
Microsoft has released a new desktop version of Teams (new Teams). The existing desktop version (classic Teams) is being discontinued.
March 1, 2024IT in the News

Microsoft and USF Partner for AI Classroom Hackathon Kick-Off
As a college student, learning about AI can be an exciting and rewarding experience that can open new career opportunities and help you stay ahead of the curve. That’s why we were excited to learn that Microsoft had chosen USF to co-host a kick-off event for their annual AI Classroom Hackathon competition, which focuses on students competing to build intelligent applications that reimagine education in the era of AI.
November 7, 2023IT in the News

Join us for the Microsoft AI Hackathon Kickoff Event!
Microsoft is partnering with USF Information Technology and the Judy Genshaft Honors College to host a special launch event that will take place on Thursday, October 26 from 4:30-7:30 PM in the Honors College building.
October 4, 2023IT in the News

Meeting Transcriptions Now Available for Microsoft Teams
Meeting transcriptions are now available in Microsoft Teams and are also automatically generated on videos uploaded to SharePoint and the rest of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
September 29, 2023IT in the News

SVC Data Center in Tampa Outage Planned for September 24
This fall, USF Information Technology will be making important changes to the building infrastructure of the SVC Data Center in Tampa. To make these changes, a planned power outage will occur, and applications hosted in the Tampa data center will be down temporarily for a short period of time.
July 20, 2023IT in the News