Sustainability Internship

Choosing an Internship Placement

Sustainability Internship Course (IDS 6946)

Internship Placements

Internship positions are very competitive in nature. Students need to be proactive in finding a placement that best suits their interests and skill set. The college does not guarantee internship placements hence students should plan in advance for their ACE needs.

It is advised that students should begin searching for internships one or two semesters prior to submitting their Internship Project Agreement (IPA). The Academic Services Administrator and your Concentration Director should guide you through the process of securing an Internship, hence a good communication relationship should be developed and maintained with these individuals.

Additionally, students are advised to continually update their resume as well as their job search networks (e.g. LinkedIn) to remain relevant in the market before, during and after their internship period.

For assistance with professional development ,to include  resume reviews, interview prep, alumni connections, and more, please contact

Assistant Director for Student Development & Alumni Relations
Kelly Gaskell

Sustainability Internship Course

The Sustainability Internship course is designed to give students a rich and diverse experience in the real world working environment. The Sustainability Internship will be conducted with a valid and respected host organization that has been vetted by the ACE Director and or concentration director from the Patel College prior to internship.

Students are expected to contribute positively to the growth and development of the host organization as well as to their own personal career and network growth. Each internship project will be supervised by their PCGS Concentration Director and an External Supervisor (preferably with the host organization).