
Professor Emeritus
Home Campus: Tampa
Office: SOC 023
Dr. Hechiche was born in Tunis, Tunisia. Graduate and post graduate studies at the University of Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle and the Institute of Advanced International Relations of the Faculty of Law. Degrees in English and American Literature and Civilizations, International Relations-International Law. Doctorate in Oriental Studies/Political Studies. Internships and fellowships at the headquarters of the EEC in Brussels to conduct research on the Yaounde Convention, then on the EEC and the Maghrib. Internship at the UN at the Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space. Fulbright Scholar from France to the US. Dean Rusk Seminar Fellow at the Southern Center for International Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, and twice Fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University. Taught the European Unification course for several years before shifting my priorities. Recipient of several outstanding teaching awards. One major publication dealt with the EEC as a Model of regional integration for the Maghrib. Laureate of the Fondation de la Vocation, Paris 1965, for Peace in the Middle East.
The Middle East, Human Rights, The United Nations, The Arab-Israeli Conflict