Outreach & Events

Red Dot

What is a Red Dot?

When individuals experience personal violence, it is depicted as a red dot on a map. A Red Dot is a rape, a hit, a threat. A Red Dot is also an individual choice to do nothing in the face of a potentially high-risk situation. 

Power-Based Personal Violence

A form of violence that assets power, control and/or intimidate in order to harm another. This includes partner violence, sexual assault, stalking bullying, child abuse and elder abuse. It includes the use of alcohol or drugs to commit any of these acts. These acts include acts committed by strangers, friends, acquaintance, intimates or other persons.

Sexual Violence

Any sexual contact that lacks consent and/or capacity to give consent. Includes forcible fondling, sexual assault, rape and attempted rape.

Intimate Partner violence

Physical, sexual or psychological harm or threat of harm, by a current or former partner. Intimate Partner Violence is also known as dating violence, domestic violence, intimate partner abuse,, relationship
violence, etc.


Course of conduct targeted at an individual or group that would cause a reasonable person to feel afraid. Examples include unwanted calling, texting and Facebooking; sending unwanted letters/gifts; following a person; etc.

Targeting and Bullying

A pattern of behavior directed toward an individual based upon their identity, behavior, membership in a group or organization, or otherwise, that creates an intimidating hostile or offensive working, living, or learning environment.