News Site

Categories and Tags


Categories are evergreen topics that broadly organize the articles on your news site — visitors can filter articles by these categories.

Screenshot of filtering by category on a news site listing page

Categories are listed on Landing Homepages and within articles themselves.

Screenshot of categories within an news article

When a visitor clicks on a category, or uses the "Filter By" on a listing page, it generates an RSS feed of all articles listed within that category.

Screenshot of categories RSS feed on a news site

Add Category to News Article

  1. Make sure the article is checked out by clicking the lightbulb icon (it should be yellow). Click "MULTIEDIT" at the top righthand corner.
  2. Navigate to the Parameters section of your article (Properties > Parameters).
  3. In the Title and Metadata section, go to Tags.
  4. Start typing in the naming convention of your news site's categories (i.e. "News Department Name Category:" and all available options will populate.
  5. Click on the category or categories you would like to add to the article. Please note: All articles must include at least one Category.
    Screenshot of news site categories in the parameters section of an article
  6. Click Save.
  7. Publish to Test and/or Production.

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Tags are article-specific topics that more narrowly organize the stories on your news site — visitors can filter articles by these tags. Tags are created by the editors of a news site during article creation.

Tags are listed within articles themselves.

Screenshot of tags within an news article

When a visitor clicks on a tag, it generates an RSS feed of all articles listed within that tag.

Add Tag to News Article

  1. Make sure the article is checked out by clicking the lightbulb icon (it should be yellow). Click "MULTIEDIT" at the top righthand corner.
  2. Navigate to the Parameters section of your article (Properties > Parameters).
  3. In the Title and Metadata section, go to Tags.
  4. Create a tag by using this naming convention: “News Department Name Tag: Tag Name”, then click Enter.
    Screenshot of news site tags in the parameters section of an article
  5. Click Save.
  6. Publish to Test and/or Production.

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*Categories are created by the UCM Digital Team when setting up news sites. For any questions on editing, adding, and/or deleting news site categories, please submit a CMS Support Intake Form.