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USF graduates celebrate unwavering support, resiliency during fall commencement
Nearly 4,000 degrees were conferred during this fall’s commencement. The group, which represented 93 countries, 42 states and 11 U.S. territories, included 47 undergraduate students earning a perfect 4.0 grade point average and 107 military veterans. All now share a common theme – they are USF alumni.
December 16, 2024Student Success, University News

USF confers more than 2,600 degrees during summer commencement ceremonies
Graduates included a legacy student whose grandmother was part of USF's charter class, a student veteran who served in Afghanistan and a Peace Corps recruiter who speaks four languages.
August 3, 2024Student Success

USF honors community leaders at commencement ceremonies
Commencement is the time for USF to bestow some of its highest honors to outstanding individuals who have made essential contributions to the university and the community. This spring, the individuals selected represent the university’s many collaborations in health care and economic development.
May 1, 2024University News

USF to confer more than 7,000 degrees during spring commencement ceremonies
Graduates in the May 2-5 ceremonies include a brain cancer survivor, a 17-year-old student of Ukrainian heritage and a third-generation USF student.
April 29, 2024University News

USF conferred more than 4,400 degrees during fall commencement
Graduates include student veterans, a mother-daughter earning their degrees at the same time and a future engineer with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder graduating with a near-perfect GPA.
December 4, 2023Student Success, University News

USF adds eco-friendly flair to commencement
Graduates and guests attending fall commencement will see some enhancements to regalia, stage design and programs – many of which were made with sustainability in mind.
November 29, 2023University News

USF awards more than 2,400 degrees during summer commencement ceremonies
Graduates include a Ukrainian student who relocated to the U.S., an 18 year old and a student who is pursuing a career in social work after growing up in the foster care system.
July 31, 2023Student Success, University News

University of South Florida celebrates more than 4,500 new graduates during fall commencement
USF fall 2022 graduates include a Ukrainian student whose family was displaced by war and a student impacted by Hurricane Ian.
December 5, 2022Student Success, University News

USF conferred more than 2,700 degrees during summer commencement ceremonies
Graduates included a 75-year-old civil rights activist earning a degree more than 55 years after starting at USF, a 23-year-old earning a doctorate in engineering and a veteran who overcame PTSD and a traumatic brain injury.
August 6, 2022Student Success, University News

USF conferred more than 4,500 degrees during commencement ceremonies, Dec. 10-11
The University of South Florida awarded more than 4,500 degrees during fall commencement. The ceremonies included recipients of approximately 3,433 undergraduate, 1,099 master’s and 181 doctoral degrees.
December 8, 2021Student Success, University News

USF honors summer 2021 class, along with graduates whose ceremonies were impacted by COVID-19, during Aug. 21-22 commencement
The University of South Florida conferred approximately 3,000 degrees during summer commencement as ceremonies returned to the Yuengling Center in Tampa after being held at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg in the spring.
August 18, 2021COVID-19, Student Success, University News

USF returns to in-person commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 8
The University of South Florida will hold in-person commencement ceremonies this weekend for the first time since December 2019, as COVID-19 forced ceremonies to be held virtually in spring, summer and fall of 2020. USF President Steven Currall will preside over spring commencement ceremonies scheduled for 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 8, at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg.
May 3, 2021Student Success, University News