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Research Study - Dr. Chae Jaynes


This semester, Dr. Jaynes, Dr. Moule (not pictured), and Zach Oliphant (Ph.D. student) conducted an experiment evaluating the relationship between individuals’ sincere interest in the welfare of others (referred to as “social preferences”) and antisocial behavior. One component of the project focused on the choice to recycle (or act “sustainably”). Above, Zach is sorting through the contents of trash and recycling bins to gather data. Although it’s messy work, it’s all in the name of good science! This study could not have been a success without the help of their 6 undergraduate Research Assistants (Sarah Alfalatah, Selena Marinin, Deborah Metellus, Adriana Pereira, Joel Pimentel, and Paola Rodriguez), and over 600 student volunteer study participants – thank you all! Garbage in/Garbage out?

If you are interested in learning more about the results of this study or getting involved with undergraduate/graduate research, please feel free to email Dr. Jaynes (Jaynes@usf.edu) for more information.