Civic Engagement & Service

Voter Engagement

USF’s Voter Friendly Campus efforts are designed to support student democratic engagement and civic learning within a healthy campus political climate. A healthy campus political environment at USF is driven by USF’s Principles of Community and leadership and civic engagement concepts (e.g. controversy with civility, conversations across difference, community engagement, active citizenship) all within the bounds of community conduct expectations.

all in

The University of South Florida was honored at the 2021 #ALLINAwards with the Florida Campus Voting Challenge - 4-year Institution Award! Congratulations to the Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement who worked hard to ensure every eligible USF student had the info and means to register and vote in the 2020 Presidential Election -- earning the #allintovote Gold Seal for 70 – 79% voter participation or higher!

Are you #VoteReady?

Get help with voter registration, check your registration status, or request reminders about upcoming deadlines and elections with TurboVote!



Voting and Election resources

Campus resources

Wellness resources

Activism resources

Tips for USF supervisors