Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications 2015
Michel, C., Heide, K.M. & Cochran, J.K. The Consequences of Knowledge about Elite Deviance. American Journal of Criminal Justice 41, 359–382. doi.org/10.1007/s12103-014-9285-z
Leiber, M.J., Peck, J.H.* (2015). 21 Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Crime. In: Morizot, J., Kazemian, L. (eds) The Development of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08720-7_21
Cochran, J. C., & Mears, D. P. (2015). Race, Ethnic, and Gender Divides in Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(2), 181-212. doi.org/10.1177/0022427814560574
Mears, D., & Cochran, J.C. (2015). Prisoner reentry in the era of mass incarceration. SAGE Publications, Inc., doi.org/10.4135/9781483390727
Cardwell, S. M., Piquero, A. R., Jennings, W. G., Copes, H., Schubert, C. A., & Mulvey, E. P. (2015). Variability in Moral Disengagement and Its Relation to Offending in a Sample of Serious Youthful Offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(8), 819-839. doi.org/10.1177/0093854814567472
Lynch, M.J. Corporate Crime, Corporate Violence. 3rd edition. NY: Harrow and Heston Read the book
Lynch, M.J., Barrett, K.L. Death Matters: Victimization by Particle Matter from Coal Fired Power Plants in the US, a Green Criminological View. Critical Criminology 23, 219–234 (2015). doi.org/10.1007/s10612-015-9266-7
Dembo, R. (2015). The Need to Restructure the Substance Misuse Behavioral Science Research Enterprise. Substance Use & Misuse, 50(8–9), 1103–1105. doi.org/10.3109/10826084.2015.1007670
Arrigo, B. A., & Lynch, M. J. (2015). The Human Consequences of Ecological Violence and Corporate Victimization: Public Sector Psychology and Green Criminology. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(3), 227-229. doi.org/10.1177/0306624X14568885
Bjerregaard, B. E., Smith, M. D., Cochran, J. K., & Fogel, S. J. (2017). A Further Examination of the Liberation Hypothesis in Capital Murder Trials. Crime & Delinquency, 63(8), 1017-1038. doi.org/10.1177/0011128715574454
Donner, C., Maskaly, J., Fridell, L. and Jennings, W.G. (2015), "Policing and procedural justice: a state-of-the-art review", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 153-172. doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2014-0129
DeLisi, M., Vaughn, M. G., Salas-Wright, C. P., & Jennings, W. G. (2015). Drugged and Dangerous: Prevalence and Variants of Substance Use Comorbidity Among Seriously Violent Offenders in the United States. Journal of Drug Issues, 45(3), 232-248. doi.org/10.1177/0022042615579237
Perez, N. M.*, Fegadel, A. R.*, & Bromley, M. L. (2015). Students’ Perceptions of a Cohort-style Graduate Program: A Descriptive Analysis of Feedback Obtained from MACJA Graduates. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 26(3), 316–329. doi.org/10.1080/10511253.2015.1026916
Lynch, Michael J. The Classless State of Criminology and Why Criminology Without Class is Rather Meaningless. Crime, Law and Social Change. 63 (1): 65-90. doi.org/10.1007/s10611-015-9553-y
Heide, Kathleen M. Foreword to Chan, H.C.'s Understanding Sexual Homicide Offenders. England: Palgrave Macmillan. doi.org/10.1057/9781137453723
Jennings, W. G., & Zgoba, K. M. (2014). An Application of an Innovative Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool for Determining the Implementation Costs and Public Safety Benefits of SORNA with Educational Implications for Criminology and Criminal Justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 26(2), 147–162. doi.org/10.1080/10511253.2014.940057
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Barrett, K. L., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., Karas, L., & Belenko, S. (2015). Parenting Practices among Biological Mothers of Drug-Involved Truant Youths: A Latent Profile Analysis. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24(5), 282–294. doi.org/10.1080/1067828X.2013.829011
Leiber, M.J. and Peck, J.*. "Youth in the juvenile court and adult court" In Krohn & Lane (Eds.), Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. doi.org/10.1002/9781118513217.ch27
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Wareham, J., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., & Karas, L. (2015). A Longitudinal Study of Truant Youths’ Involvement in Sexual Risk Behavior. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(2), 89–104. doi.org/10.1080/1067828X.2013.872069
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Schmeidler, J., Wareham, J., Ungaro, R., Winters, K. C., … Belenko, S. (2015). Brief Intervention Impact on Truant Youths’ Marijuana Use: Eighteen-Month Follow-Up. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(1), 18–32. doi.org/10.1080/1067828X.2013.872068
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Barrett, K., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., Karas, L., … Wareham, J. (2015). The Validity of Truant Youths’ Marijuana Use and Its Impact on Alcohol Use and Sexual Risk Taking. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24(6), 355–365. doi.org/10.1080/1067828X.2013.844089
Belenko, S., Dembo, R., Copenhaver, M. et al. HIV Stigma in Prisons and Jails: Results from a Staff Survey. AIDS and Behavior 20, 71–84 (2016). doi.org/10.1007/s10461-015-1098-7
Landers, M.D.*, Mitchell, O. & Coates, E.E. Teenage Fatherhood as a Potential Turning Point in the Lives of Delinquent Youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 1685–1696 (2015). doi.org/10.1007/s10826-014-9971-y
Jennings, W.G., Richards, T., Smith, M.D., Bjerregaard, B., and Fogel, S. "A propensity score matching analysis of the relationship between victim sex and capital juror decision-making in North Carolina." Social Science Research 52:47-58. doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2015.01.007
Fegadel, A.R.*, & Heide, K.M. (2015). Double Parricide: An In-Depth Look at Two Victim Homicides Involving Parents as Victims. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 33 6, 723-39. doi.org/10.1002/bsl.2189
Fox, B. H., Jennings, W. G., & Farrington, D. P. (2015). Bringing psychopathy into developmental and life-course criminology theories and research. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(4), 274–289. doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2015.06.003
Fox, B.H., Perez, N.*, Cass, E., Baglivio, M., and Epps, N. "Trauma changes everything: Examining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders." Child Abuse & Neglect. doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2015.01.011
Lynch, M. J., Stretesky, P. and Long, M.. "Environmental justice: A criminological perspective." Environmental Research Letters. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/10/8/085008
Mack, K., Peck, J.*, and Leiber, M.J. "Gender differences in the long-term effects of family structure and processes on externalizing and internalizing behaviors". Deviant Behavior. 36(9): 740-764.
Cochran, J. K. (2015). Morality, Rationality and Academic Dishonesty: A Partial Test of Situational Action Theory. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 4, 192–199. doi.org/10.6000/1929-4409.2015.04.19
Song, H.*, Lynch, M.J. & Cochran, J.K. A Macro-Social Exploratory Analysis of the Rate of Interstate Cyber-Victimization. American Journal of Criminal Justice 41, 583–601. doi.org/10.1007/s12103-015-9308-4
Cochran, J. K.The Effects of Life Domains, Constraints, and Motivations on Academic Dishonesty: A Partial Test and Extension of Agnew’s General Theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(11), 1288-1308. doi.org/10.1177/0306624X15618689
Jennings, W., Lynch, M. and Fridell, L. "Evaluating the impact of police officer body-worn cameras (BWCs) on response-to-resistance and serious external complaints: Evidence from the Orlando Police Department (OPD) Experience utilizing a randomized controlled experiment." Journal of Criminal Justice, 2015: 480 – 486. doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2015.10.003
Perez, N.M.* and Bromley, M. (2015), "Comparing campus and city police human resource and select community outreach policies and practices: An update", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 664-674. doi.org/10.1108/PIJPSM-07-2015-0084
Toman, E.L.*, Cochran, J.C., Cochran, J.K., & Bales, W.D. (2015). The implications of sentence length for inmate adjustment to prison life. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 510-521. doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2015.11.002
Gabbidon, and Mitchell, O. "Investigating allegations of racial profiling in retail settings." Security Management (November): 38-39.
Michel, C., Cochran, J.K. & Heide, K.M. Public knowledge about white-collar crime: an exploratory study. Crime, Law & Social Change, 65, 67–91 (2016). doi.org/10.1007/s10611-015-9598-y
Dembo, R., Wareham, J., Krupa, J.*, and Winters, K.C.. "Sexual risk behavior among male and female truant youths: Exploratory, multi-group latent class analysis". Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence. dx.doi.org/10.4172/2329-6488.1000226
Lynch, M.J., Barrett, K.L., Stretesky, P.B. et al. Crime as Pollution? Theoretical, Definitional and Policy Concerns with Conceptualizing Crime as Pollution. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 40, 4: 843-860. doi.org/10.1007/s12103-015-9294-6
Powers, R. A., Leili, J.*, Hagman, B., & Cohn, A. (2015). The Impact of College Education on Rape Myth Acceptance, Alcohol Expectancies, and Bystander Attitudes. Deviant Behavior, 36(12), 956–973. doi.org/10.1080/01639625.2014.982747
Lynch, M. J., and Boggess, L.N. "Eco-cities, crime and justice: The implication of ecocity theory for social disorganization theory and green criminology." Sociological Spectrum. 35:309-328.
Jennings, Wesley, Piquero, Rocque, and Farrington. "The effects of binge and problem drinking on non-violent and violent offending over the life-course and adult adjustment problems into late middle age: Findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development". Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 453-463.
Jennings, Wesley, Gover, and Piquero. "A multi-level examination of life-course offending trajectories: Implications for a theoretically integrated model for explaining criminal behavior". Korean Journal of Public Safety and Criminal Justice, 24, 373-403.
Donner, C. M., Jennings, W. G., & Banfield, J. (2015). The General Nature of Online and Off-Line Offending Among College Students. Social Science Computer Review, 33(6), 663-679. doi.org/10.1177/0894439314555949
Powers, R. "Consequences of using self-protective behaviors in non-sexual assaults: The differential risk of completion and injury by victim gender." Violence and Victims, 30(5), 846-869.
*Denotes student or former student