MKM Poetry Library


The Michael Kuperman Memorial Poetry Library was founded in honor of the late Michael Kuperman, a former MFA student at the University of South Florida, who donated his beloved collection of poetry books to the Department of English. Located in Cooper Hall Room 301, the MKM Poetry Library is a dedicated space within the Department of English to help students and faculty from all three USF campuses further their studies in poetry as well as provide community with poetry at its center. 

All members of the USF academic community are welcome to use the robust and growing catalogue of poetry collections, literary magazines, chapbooks, and broadsides the library offers. With a focus on literary activism the space hosts readings, master classes, and craft lectures by poets from around the world. Faculty in other tracks from within the Department of English as well as the University at large who study prosody and poetics are invited to contribute to the offerings.  

The Michael Kuperman Memorial Poetry Library is run by Inaugural Director, Natalie Scenters-Zapico


The MKM Poetry Library is a living library whose catalogue grows through acquisitions and donations. You can browse our digital catalogue here.


If you would like to donate poetry collections, broadsides, chapbooks, or specialty literary magazines, please contact Natalie Scenters-Zapico.